5 Things
You Think You're Doing Right
when Responding to Your
Wife or Girlfriend...
that are Probably
Making Things Worse!
(and what to do instead)
There are times when your wife or girlfriend starts telling you about something going on in her life that’s bothering her. She’s upset about it. You want to know how to best respond in these situations AND if possible, be helpful to her. BUT, too often what you do or say seems to make things worse – triggering her even more!
You are not alone. Most men do this too! There are many reasons why responding skillfully in circumstances like this can be so challenging and confusing.
Access this free guide on the 5 things you may be doing wrong AND how to stop sabotaging yourself. Learn to shift what to say and do that will be more helpful, reduce the drama, and make her appreciate you.
Stop saying the wrong things!

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